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})(navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera); return window.innerWidth <= 540; } function fetchStoreSettings(shopId, successCallback) { $splmn_jQuery.ajax({ url: SERVER_BASE_URL + `/api/v1/account/user/widget/settings?id=${shopId}`, type: "GET", success: function (response) { let settings = response.widget.settings; if (settings) { successCallback(settings); } logWithBadge("Store settings fetched"); }, }); } function setIntervalX(callback, delay, repetitions) { logWithBadge( "setIntervalX Initialized with Delay : " + String(delay) + " ms Repetitions : " + String(repetitions) ); var splmn_thankyouAPICall = 0; var intervalID = window.setInterval(function () { callback(); if (++splmn_thankyouAPICall === repetitions) { window.clearInterval(intervalID); } logWithBadge( "setIntervalX Execution Number : " + String(splmn_thankyouAPICall) ); }, delay); return intervalID; } /*==============*/ /* OPTIN WIDGET */ /*==============*/ function createOptinWidget(settings, originalViewportSize) { if (settings.optin.enable) { if (isThankYouPage() && settings.optin.actions.includes("THANKYOU")) { const apiInterval = setIntervalX( () => { runThankYouPageLogic(settings, apiInterval); 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} else { thankYouPageOptinWidget(settings.optin.lang); } return; case "NOT_OPTED_IN": thankYouPageOptinWidget( settings.optin.lang, true, order.number, order.countryCode, ); clearInterval(apiInterval); return; case "CONFIRMED": loadOptinConfirmed(settings.optin.lang,; clearInterval(apiInterval); return; case "OPEN": return; default: return; } } }); } async function thankYouPageAPICall() { const response = await fetch( SERVER_BASE_URL_MESSAGING + "/api/v1/account/user/subscribe/order/phone/status?url=" + getShopId() + "&orderId=" + Shopify.checkout.order_id ); const data = await response.json(); return data; } function getLastLocalOptinFromThankyouPage() { var unique_identifier = ( ( || "") + ( || "") ).replace(" ", ""); if ( !localStorage.getItem("previous_thank_you_page_optin") && localStorage.getItem("opted_in_phone_v2") && localStorage.getItem("opted_in_country_code_v2") ) { return [ localStorage.getItem("opted_in_phone_v2"), localStorage.getItem("opted_in_country_code_v2"), ]; } else if (localStorage.getItem("previous_thank_you_page_optin")) { previous_optin_obj = JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem("previous_thank_you_page_optin") ); if (previous_optin_obj.unique_identifier == unique_identifier) { return [ previous_optin_obj.phone_number, previous_optin_obj.country_code, ]; } } return null; } function customOptinFromThankYouPage( phone, widgetLanguage, isPhoneWithCountryCode = false, phoneWithCountryCode ) { var unique_identifier = ( ( || "") + ( || "") ).replace(" ", ""); localStorage.setItem("opted_in_phone_v2", phone[0]); localStorage.setItem("opted_in_country_code_v2", phone[1]); localStorage.setItem( "previous_thank_you_page_optin", JSON.stringify({ unique_identifier: unique_identifier, phone_number: phone[0], country_code: phone[1], }) ); var thankYouOptinConfirm = document.getElementById( "wa-order-update-widget" ); $splmn_jQuery.ajax({ url: SERVER_BASE_URL_MESSAGING + "/api/v1/account/user/subscribe/order/phone", type: "POST", dataType: "json", contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", data: { url: getShopId(), phone: isPhoneWithCountryCode ? "+" + phoneWithCountryCode : phone[1] + phone[0], orderId: Shopify.checkout.order_id, }, success: function () { if (thankYouOptinConfirm) { thankYouOptinConfirm.remove(); } loadOptinConfirmed( widgetLanguage, isPhoneWithCountryCode ? "+" + phoneWithCountryCode : phone[1] + phone[0] ); }, error: function (e) { localStorage.removeItem("opted_in_phone_v2"); localStorage.removeItem("opted_in_country_code_v2"); localStorage.removeItem("previous_thank_you_page_optin"); let error = JSON.parse(e.responseText); alert(error.message); }, }); } function loadOptinConfirmed(widgetLanguage, confirmedPhone) { if (!document.getElementById("optin-confirmed-success-true")) { var t = document.getElementsByClassName("section")[1]; var f = t.childNodes[1]; var d = document.createElement("div"); d.className = "content-box"; = "wa-order-update-widget"; var contentContainer = document.createElement("div"); contentContainer.className = "content-box__row content-box__row--no-border"; var contentHeader = document.createElement("h2"); contentHeader.innerHTML = getConfirmedBtnText(widgetLanguage); = "color: #2EB840; text-align:left; margin-bottom:10px;"; var contentTitle = document.createElement("p"); contentTitle.className = "os-step__description"; = "optin-confirmed-success-true"; = "margin-bottom:10px;"; contentTitle.innerHTML = getOptinConfirmedText(widgetLanguage) + ' ' + "" + confirmedPhone + ""; contentContainer.appendChild(contentHeader); contentContainer.appendChild(contentTitle); d.appendChild(contentContainer); f.insertBefore(d, f.childNodes[3]); } } function getConfirmedBtnText(widgetLanguage) { switch (widgetLanguage) { case "ENGLISH": return "Confirmed!"; case "PORTUGUESE": return "Confirmado!"; case "SPANISH": return "¡Confirmado!"; case "ITALIAN": return "Confermata!"; case "FRENCH": return "Confirmé!"; case "INDONESIAN": return "Dikonfirmasi!"; case "GERMAN": return "Bestätigt!"; case "ARABIC": return "مؤكد!"; case "TURKISH": return "Onaylanmış!"; case "HEBREW": return "אושר!"; case "DUTCH": return "Bevestigd!"; } } function getOptinConfirmedText(widgetLanguage) { switch (widgetLanguage) { case "ENGLISH": return "You will receive order and delivery updates at"; case "PORTUGUESE": return "Você receberá atualizações de pedidos e entregas em"; case "SPANISH": return "Recibirá actualizaciones de pedidos y entregas en"; case "ITALIAN": return "Riceverai gli aggiornamenti dell'ordine e della consegna all'indirizzo"; case "FRENCH": return "Vous recevrez les mises à jour de commande et de livraison à l'adresse"; case "INDONESIAN": return "Anda akan menerima rincian pesanan dan informasi pengiriman dari"; case "GERMAN": return "Sie erhalten Bestellund Lieferaktualisierungen unter"; case "ARABIC": return "سوف تتلقى تحديثات الطلب والتسليم على"; case "TURKISH": return "Sipariş ve gönderim güncellemelerini üzerinden alacaksınız"; case "HEBREW": return "אתה תקבל הזמנות ועדכוני משלוח על המספר"; case "DUTCH": return "Je ontvangt je order- en leveringsupdates op"; } } function thankYouPageOptinWidget( widgetLanguage, notOptedIn = false, number, countryCode, phoneWithCountryCode ) { if (!document.getElementById("wa-order-update-widget")) { if (notOptedIn) { var style = document.createElement("style"); style.type = "text/css"; style.innerHTML = ".numberContainer {} .numberContainer input{border: 0.05px solid; border-color: grey;} .numberInput { padding: 10px; height: 38px; font-size: 16px; width: 62%; box-sizing: border-box;} .confirmBtn { border-radius: 4px;margin-left: 16px; background: #2EB840; color: white; border-style: solid; padding: 4px 8px; position: relative; border: none; outline: none; font-size: 16px;} .confirmBtn:hover {box-shadow: 2px 2px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);}"; document.head.appendChild(style); var t = document.getElementsByClassName("section")[1]; var f = t.childNodes[1]; var d = document.createElement("div"); d.className = "content-box"; = "wa-order-update-widget"; var contentContainer = document.createElement("div"); contentContainer.className = "content-box__row content-box__row--no-border"; var contentHeader = document.createElement("h2"); contentHeader.innerHTML = ""; contentHeader.innerHTML = '' + getOrderUpdatesOnText(widgetLanguage); var contentTitle = document.createElement("p"); contentTitle.className = "os-step__description"; contentTitle.innerHTML = getThankyouPageOptinText(widgetLanguage); var numberContainer = document.createElement("div"); = "text-align: left; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 14px;"; numberContainer.className = "numberContainer"; numberContainer.innerHTML = `

Phone Number

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Country Code

Phone Number

${ !codes ? '' : `` }
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}); } } } } function getOrderUpdatesOnText(widgetLanguage) { switch (widgetLanguage) { case "ENGLISH": return "WhatsApp notifications"; case "PORTUGUESE": return "Notificações do WhatsApp"; case "SPANISH": return "Notificaciones de WhatsApp"; case "ITALIAN": return "Notifiche di WhatsApp"; case "FRENCH": return "Notifications WhatsApp"; case "INDONESIAN": return "Pemberitahuan WhatsApp"; case "GERMAN": return "WhatsApp-Benachrichtigungen"; case "ARABIC": return "إشعارات WhatsApp"; case "TURKISH": return "WhatsApp bildirimleri"; case "HEBREW": return "התראות WhatsApp"; case "DUTCH": return "WhatsApp-meldingen"; } } function getThankyouPageOptinText(widgetLanguage) { switch (widgetLanguage) { case "ENGLISH": return "Receive order and delivery updates via WhatsApp."; case "PORTUGUESE": return "Receba atualizações de pedidos e entregas via WhatsApp."; case "SPANISH": return "Reciba actualizaciones de pedidos y entregas a través de WhatsApp."; case "ITALIAN": return "Ricevi aggiornamenti su ordini e consegne tramite WhatsApp."; case "FRENCH": return "Recevez les mises à jour de commande et de livraison via WhatsApp."; case "INDONESIAN": return "Terima informasi rincian pesanan dan informasi pengiriman di Whatsapp."; case "GERMAN": return "Du erhältst Bestell- und Lieferaktualisierungen"; case "ARABIC": return "تلقي تحديثات الطلب والتسليم عبر WhatsApp."; case "TURKISH": return "Sipariş ve gönderim güncellemelerini WhatsApp üzerinden al."; case "HEBREW": return "קבלו הזמנות ועדכוני משלוח דרך הוואטסאפ"; case "DUTCH": return "Ontvang order- en leveringsupdates op Whatsapp"; } } function getConfirmBtnText(widgetLanguage) { switch (widgetLanguage) { case "ENGLISH": return "CONFIRM"; case "PORTUGUESE": return "CONFIRME"; case "SPANISH": return "CONFIRMAR"; case "ITALIAN": return "CONFERMARE"; case "FRENCH": return "CONFIRMER"; case "INDONESIAN": return "KONFIRMASI"; case "GERMAN": return "BESTÄTIGEN"; case "ARABIC": return "إرسال"; case "TURKISH": return "ONAYLAMAK"; case "HEBREW": return "אישור"; case "DUTCH": return "BEVESTIGEN"; 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} else if (rawPhone.startsWith(countryCode) && rawPhone.length < 12) { return countryCode + rawPhone; } else if (!rawPhone.startsWith(countryCode)) { return countryCode + rawPhone; } default: if (!rawPhone.startsWith(countryCode)) { return countryCode + rawPhone; } else { return rawPhone; } } } return countryCode; } function loadOptinWidgetOnCheckout(settings, originalViewportSize) { var secondClick = false; document.body.addEventListener( "click", function (e) { const checkout_btn = getTargetButtonFromEvent(; const checkout_ahref = getTargetAhrefFromEvent(; const closest_form = checkout_btn && checkout_btn.getAttribute("type") == "submit" ? $splmn_jQuery(checkout_btn).closest("form") : null; if ( (checkout_btn && (checkout_btn.getAttribute("name") == "checkout" || checkout_btn.getAttribute("onclick") == "window.location='/checkout'")) || ( && == "checkout" && == "INPUT") || (checkout_ahref && checkout_ahref.getAttribute("href") == "/checkout") || (closest_form && closest_form.attr("action") == "/checkout") ) { if (!secondClick) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); loadOptinWidget(settings, originalViewportSize, function () { secondClick = true;; }); } else { secondClick = false; } } }, true ); } function getTargetButtonFromEvent(target) { if (!target) { return null; } else if (target.tagName == "BUTTON") { return target; } else if ($splmn_jQuery(target).closest("button")) { return $splmn_jQuery(target).closest("button")[0]; } else { return null; } } function getTargetAhrefFromEvent(target) { if (!target) { return null; } else if (target.tagName == "A") { return target; } else if ($splmn_jQuery(target).closest("a")) { return $splmn_jQuery(target).closest("a")[0]; } } function loadOptinWidgetOnBuyNow(settings, originalViewportSize) { var secondClick = false; document.body.addEventListener( "click", function (e) { const buy_now_target = getTargetButtonFromEvent(; if ( buy_now_target && buy_now_target.getAttribute("data-testid") && buy_now_target.getAttribute("data-testid") == "Checkout-button" ) { if (!secondClick) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); loadOptinWidget(settings, originalViewportSize, function () { secondClick = true;; }); } else { secondClick = false; } } }, true ); } function loadOptinWidgetOnAddToCart(settings, originalViewportSize) { var secondClick = false; document.body.addEventListener( "click", function (e) { const add_to_cart_target = getTargetButtonFromEvent(; const closest_form = $splmn_jQuery(add_to_cart_target).closest("form"); if ( add_to_cart_target && add_to_cart_target.getAttribute("data-testid") != "Checkout-button" && closest_form && closest_form.attr("action") == "/cart/add" ) { if (!secondClick) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); loadOptinWidget(settings, originalViewportSize, function () { secondClick = true; if ( {; } else if (["tagName"] === "svg") {; } else if (["tagName"] === "path") {"svg"); } }); } else { secondClick = false; } } }, true ); } function closePopup() { $splmn_jQuery(`#wa-greeting-bubble`).removeClass("bounceUp"); $splmn_jQuery(`#wa-greeting-bubble`).addClass("bounceDown"); 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setTimeout(onDismiss, 200); return; } if (localStorage.getItem("opted_in_phone_v2")) { logWithBadge("Optin Widget : Already opted in"); setTimeout(onDismiss, 200); return; } if ( - JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("optin_widget_last_shown")) < settings.optin.delayBetweenEachOptinWidgetShow * 1000 ) { logWithBadge("Optin Widget : Shown recently", true); setTimeout(onDismiss, 200); return; } if ( localStorage.getItem("dismiss_count") > 1 && - JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("optin_widget_last_dismissed")) < settings.optin.delayAfterOptinWidgetDismissed * 1000 ) { logWithBadge("Optin Widget : Was closed by user previously", true); setTimeout(onDismiss, 200); return; } else if ( localStorage.getItem("dismiss_count") > 1 && - JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("optin_widget_last_dismissed")) >= settings.optin.delayAfterOptinWidgetDismissed * 1000 ) { localStorage.removeItem("dismiss_count"); } var widgetContainer = document.createElement("div"); var blurContainer = document.createElement("div"); blurContainer.className = "wa-blur-container wa-optin-widget-z-index"; = "wa-optin-widget-main"; document.body.appendChild(blurContainer); $splmn_jQuery(blurContainer).hide(); //zindex from settings var style = document.createElement("style"); style.type = "text/css"; style.innerHTML = ".wa-optin-widget-z-index { z-index:" + (current_device_type === 1 ? : settings.devices.desktop.zindex.optin) + ";}"; document.head.appendChild(style); widgetContainer.className = "wa-optin-widget-container wa-optin-widget-z-index"; if ( window.getComputedStyle(document.body).direction == "rtl" && mobileCheck() ) { = "translate(-50%, -50%)"; } else if (window.getComputedStyle(document.body).direction == "rtl") { = "translate(-25%, -50%)"; } var closeBtn = document.createElement("div"); closeBtn.className = "wa-optin-widget-close-btn"; var closeImg = document.createElement("img"); closeImg.className = "wa-optin-widget-close-img"; closeImg.src = ""; closeBtn.appendChild(closeImg); closeBtn.onclick = function (e) { var dismiss_count = localStorage.getItem("dismiss_count"); localStorage.setItem( "dismiss_count", parseInt(dismiss_count) ? parseInt(dismiss_count) + 1 : 1 ); localStorage.setItem( "optin_widget_last_dismissed", JSON.stringify( ); removeOptinWidget(); onDismiss(); }; var contentContainer = document.createElement("div"); contentContainer.className = "wa-optin-widget-content-container"; var leftSec = document.createElement("div"); var rightSec = document.createElement("div"); var title = document.createElement("div"); title.className = "wa-optin-widget-title-container"; title.innerHTML = getOptinWidgetTitleText( settings.optin.lang, settings.shopName ); var subTitle = document.createElement("div"); subTitle.className = "wa-optin-widget-title-container"; subTitle.innerHTML = getSubTitleText(settings.optin.lang); var ulContainer = document.createElement("div"); ulContainer.className = "wa-optin-widget-ul-container"; ulContainer.innerHTML = ``; var noSpamText = document.createElement("div"); noSpamText.classList = "wa-optin-widget-spam-msg"; noSpamText.innerHTML = getNoSpamText(settings.optin.lang); leftSec.appendChild(title); leftSec.appendChild(subTitle); leftSec.appendChild(ulContainer); leftSec.appendChild(noSpamText); var rightSecTxtCont = document.createElement("div"); rightSecTxtCont.className = "wa-optin-widget-right-sec-content-container"; var countryLogo = document.createElement("span"); countryLogo.className = "wa-optin-widget-country-flag"; = "wa-splmn-country-flag-logo"; var buttonConfirm = document.createElement("button"); buttonConfirm.innerText = getConfirmBtnText(settings.optin.lang); buttonConfirm.className = "wa-optin-widget-confirm-btn"; = "wa-optin-widget-confirm-btn"; var bgContainer = document.createElement("div"); bgContainer.className = "wa-optin-widget-title-bg-container"; leftSec.className = "wa-optin-widget-left-sec"; rightSec.className = "wa-optin-widget-right-sec"; var textContent = document.createElement("div"); var inputContainer = document.createElement("div"); inputContainer.className = "wa-input-container"; var numberInput = document.createElement("input"); numberInput.className = "splmn-phone-storefront"; numberInput.type = "tel"; numberInput.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => { var confirmBtn = document.getElementById("wa-optin-widget-confirm-btn"); if ( >= 6) { if (confirmBtn) { confirmBtn.classList.add("wa-optin-widget-confirm-btn-active"); } } else if (! { if (confirmBtn) { confirmBtn.classList.remove("wa-optin-widget-confirm-btn-active"); } } }); rightSecTxtCont.appendChild(numberInput); rightSecTxtCont.appendChild(buttonConfirm); rightSec.appendChild(rightSecTxtCont); contentContainer.appendChild(closeBtn); contentContainer.appendChild(bgContainer); contentContainer.appendChild(leftSec); contentContainer.appendChild(rightSec); contentContainer.appendChild(textContent); widgetContainer.appendChild(contentContainer); $splmn_jQuery("body").addClass("wa-optin-widget-stop-scrolling"); blurContainer.appendChild(widgetContainer); $splmn_jQuery(blurContainer).fadeIn(); var iti = window.intlTelInput(numberInput, { // utilsScript: "utils.js", separateDialCode: true, initialCountry: currentCountryCode.code, }); numberInput.onblur = () => { if (mobileCheck()) { setTimeout(function () { restoreMobileOptinWidgetSize(); }, 200); } }; window.onresize = function () { if (mobileCheck()) { var updatedSize = $splmn_jQuery(window).width() + $splmn_jQuery(window).height(); if (updatedSize == originalViewportSize) { // this means keyboard is not visible restoreMobileOptinWidgetSize(); } else { // this means keyboard is visible shrinkMobileOptinWidget(); } } }; buttonConfirm.onclick = function () { var phone = numberInput.value; var countryCode = iti.getSelectedCountryData().dialCode; logWithBadge("Entered Phone Number : " + phone); logWithBadge("Entered Country Code : " + countryCode); if (!countryCode) { alert("Please enter a country code"); return; } if (!phone || phone.replace(/ /g, "").length < 6) { alert("Please enter a valid phone number"); return; } if (phone && countryCode) { buttonConfirm.setAttribute("disabled", true); $splmn_jQuery.ajax({ url: SERVER_BASE_URL_MESSAGING + "/api/v1/account/user/subscribe/widget", type: "POST", dataType: "json", contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", data: { url: getShopId(), number: phone, countryCode: countryCode, }, success: function (e) { localStorage.setItem("opted_in_phone_v2", phone); localStorage.setItem("opted_in_country_code_v2", countryCode); removeOptinWidget(); onDismiss(); logWithBadge("Optin Widget : Optin successful"); }, error: function (e) { if (e && e.status === 202) { localStorage.setItem("opted_in_phone_v2", phone); localStorage.setItem("opted_in_country_code_v2", countryCode); removeOptinWidget(); onDismiss(); logWithBadge("Optin Widget : Optin successful"); } else { console.log("Error : ", e); if (e.responseText) { let error = JSON.parse(e.responseText); alert(error.message); logWithBadge("Optin Widget : Optin failed", true); } } }, }); } }; localStorage.setItem( "optin_widget_last_shown", JSON.stringify( ); // document.getElementById("wa-optin-country-code").addEventListener('focus', (e) => { // if (e.relatedTarget) { // e.relatedTarget.removeAttribute('tabindex'); //; // } // return false; // }) // document // .getElementById("wa-optin-country-code") // .addEventListener("focus", (e) => { // if (e.relatedTarget) { // setTimeout(() => { // e.relatedTarget.removeAttribute("tabindex"); //; // }, 100); // } // return false; // }); // document // .getElementById("wa-optin-phone-number") // .addEventListener("focus", (e) => { // if (e.relatedTarget) { // setTimeout(() => { // e.relatedTarget.removeAttribute("tabindex"); //; // }, 100); // } // return false; // }); // if (!mobileCheck()) { // $splmn_jQuery("#wa-optin-country-code").focus(); // } } } catch (e) {} try { function loadOptinWidgetViaChat(settings, originalViewportSize, onDismiss) { logWithBadge("Optin Via Chat : Initializing"); if (!settings?.chatWidget?.optinEnabled) { logWithBadge("Optin Via Chat : Redirecting as OVC is disabled"); initChat(settings, true); return; } $splmn_jQuery("body").removeClass("wa-optin-widget-stop-scrolling"); $splmn_jQuery("#wa-optin-widget-main").remove(); let type = "chatOptin"; if ($splmn_jQuery(`#wa-${type}-bubble`).length) { $splmn_jQuery(`#wa-${type}-bubble`).remove(); $splmn_jQuery(`#wa-greeting-bubble`).hide(); $splmn_jQuery("#wa-chat-btn-root").hide(); } let { chat, avatarStyleStr, root, header } = createOptinChatbox( settings, type ); var widgetContainerWrapper = document.createElement("div"); widgetContainerWrapper.className = deviceType() == 1 ? "splmn-optin-via-chat-wrapper-mobile" : "splmn-optin-via-chat-wrapper"; let current_device_type = deviceType(); if ( (((current_device_type == 1) & settings.optin.devices.includes("mobile")) | ((current_device_type == 2) & settings.optin.devices.includes("desktop"))) === 0 ) { logWithBadge( "Optin Via Chat : Not enabled for current device type", true ); setTimeout(onDismiss, 200); return; } var widgetContainer = document.createElement("div"); = "wa-chat-optin"; widgetContainer.className = "splmn-optin-via-chat"; if ( window.getComputedStyle(document.body).direction == "rtl" && mobileCheck() ) { = "translate(-50%, -50%)"; } else if (window.getComputedStyle(document.body).direction == "rtl") { = "translate(-25%, -50%)"; } var inputBox = document.createElement("div"); inputBox.className = "splmn-optin-via-chat-input-box"; // = "1rem"; // TODO add direction:rtl var buttonContainer = document.createElement("div"); buttonContainer.className = "splmn-whatsapp-send"; var buttonConfirm = document.createElement("img"); buttonConfirm.alt = ""; buttonConfirm.src = ""; buttonConfirm.className = "wa-optin-clickButton"; = "wa-optin-clickButton"; buttonConfirm.height = "40"; buttonConfirm.width = "40"; // var flagContainer = document.createElement('div'); // flagContainer.className = 'splmn-flag-container'; // var countryCodeInput; var numberInput = document.createElement("input"); numberInput.className = "splmn-phone"; numberInput.type = "tel"; inputBox.appendChild(numberInput); buttonContainer.appendChild(buttonConfirm); widgetContainer.appendChild(inputBox); widgetContainer.appendChild(buttonContainer); widgetContainerWrapper.appendChild(widgetContainer); chat.appendChild(widgetContainerWrapper); root.appendChild(header); root.appendChild(chat); document.body.appendChild(root); var iti = window.intlTelInput(numberInput, { // utilsScript: "utils.js", separateDialCode: true, initialCountry: currentCountryCode.code, }); if (!$splmn_jQuery("#wa-greeting-bubble").length) { $splmn_jQuery("#wa-chat-btn-root").hide(); $splmn_jQuery(`#wa-${type}-bubble`).addClass("bounceUp"); } $splmn_jQuery(`#wa-greeting-bubble`).remove(); window.onresize = function () { if (mobileCheck()) { var updatedSize = $splmn_jQuery(window).width() + $splmn_jQuery(window).height(); if (updatedSize == originalViewportSize) { // this means keyboard is not visible restoreMobileOptinWidgetSize(); } else { // this means keyboard is visible shrinkMobileOptinWidget(); } } }; buttonConfirm.onclick = function () { var phone = numberInput.value; var countryCode = iti.getSelectedCountryData().dialCode; logWithBadge("Entered Phone Number : " + phone); logWithBadge("Entered Country Code : " + countryCode); if (!countryCode) { alert("Please enter a country code"); return; } if (!phone || phone.replace(/ /g, "").length < 6) { alert("Please enter a valid phone number"); return; } if (phone && countryCode) { buttonConfirm.setAttribute("disabled", true); let agentDetails = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("agent_details")); openInNewTab(; $splmn_jQuery.ajax({ url: SERVER_BASE_URL_MESSAGING + "/api/v1/account/user/subscribe/chatWidget", type: "POST", dataType: "json", contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", data: { url: getShopId(), number: phone, countryCode: countryCode, }, success: function (e) { localStorage.setItem("opted_in_phone_v2", phone); localStorage.setItem("opted_in_country_code_v2", countryCode); removeOptinWidget(); if (localStorage.getItem("from_greetings")) { initChat(settings); } else { onDismiss(); } logWithBadge("Optin Via Chat : Optin successfull"); }, error: function (e) { if (e && e.status === 202) { localStorage.setItem("opted_in_phone_v2", phone); localStorage.setItem("opted_in_country_code_v2", countryCode); removeOptinWidget(); if (localStorage.getItem("from_greetings")) { initChat(settings); } else { onDismiss(); } logWithBadge("Optin Via Chat : Optin successfull"); } else { if (e.responseText) { let error = JSON.parse(e.responseText); alert(error.message); logWithBadge("Optin Via Chat : Optin failed", true); } } }, }); } }; // Focus opens keyboard automatically but doesnt shift content up // setTimeout(function() { // $splmn_jQuery('#wa-optin-phone-number').focus(); // }); } } catch (e) {} function removeOptinWidget() { $splmn_jQuery("#wa-optin-widget-main").fadeOut(600, "linear"); setTimeout(function () { $splmn_jQuery("body").removeClass("wa-optin-widget-stop-scrolling"); $splmn_jQuery("#wa-optin-widget-main").remove(); }, 200); } function getOptinWidgetTitleText(widgetLanguage, shop_name) { switch (widgetLanguage) { case "ENGLISH": return `

Welcome to ${shop_name}!

`; case "PORTUGUESE": return `

Bem-vindo ao ${shop_name}!

`; case "SPANISH": return `

Bienvenido a ${shop_name}!

`; case "ITALIAN": return `

Benvenuto a ${shop_name}!

`; case "FRENCH": return `

Bienvenue à ${shop_name}!

`; case "INDONESIAN": return `

Selamat Datang di ${shop_name}!

`; case "GERMAN": return `

Willkommen zu ${shop_name}!

`; case "ARABIC": return `

مرحبا بك في ${shop_name}!

`; case "TURKISH": return `

Hoşgeldiniz ${shop_name}!

`; case "HEBREW": return `

ברוך הבא ל ${shop_name}!

`; case "DUTCH": return `

Welkom bij ${shop_name}!

`; default: return `

Welcome to ${shop_name}!

`; } } function getOrderText(widgetLanguage) { switch (widgetLanguage) { case "ENGLISH": return "Order details"; case "PORTUGUESE": return "Detalhes do pedido"; case "SPANISH": return "Detalles del pedido"; case "ITALIAN": return "Dettagli dell'ordine"; case "FRENCH": return "Détails de la commande"; case "INDONESIAN": return "Rincian pesanan"; case "GERMAN": return "Bestelldetails"; case "ARABIC": return "تفاصيل الطلب"; case "TURKISH": return "Sipariş detayları"; case "HEBREW": return "פרטי הזמנה"; case "DUTCH": return "Bestel Details"; default: return ""; } } function getDeliveryText(widgetLanguage) { switch (widgetLanguage) { case "ENGLISH": return "Delivery updates"; case "PORTUGUESE": return "Atualizações de entrega"; case "SPANISH": return "Actualizaciones de entrega"; case "ITALIAN": return "Aggiornamenti di consegna"; case "FRENCH": return "Mises à jour de livraison"; case "INDONESIAN": return "Pembaruan pengiriman"; case "GERMAN": return "Aktualisierungen der Lieferung"; case "ARABIC": return "تحديثات التسليم"; case "TURKISH": return "Teslimat güncellemeleri"; case "HEBREW": return "עדכוני משלוח"; case "DUTCH": return "Levering updates"; default: return ""; } } function getCustomerSupportText(widgetLanguage) { switch (widgetLanguage) { case "ENGLISH": return "Customer Support"; case "PORTUGUESE": return "Suporte ao cliente"; case "SPANISH": return "Apoyo al cliente"; case "ITALIAN": return "Assistenza clienti"; case "FRENCH": return "Soutien à la clientèle"; case "INDONESIAN": return "Dukungan pelanggan"; case "GERMAN": return "Kundenbetreuung"; case "ARABIC": return "دعم العملاء"; case "TURKISH": return "Müşteri Desteği"; case "HEBREW": return "שירות לקוחות"; case "DUTCH": return "Klantenondersteuning"; default: return ""; } } function getDiscountCodesText(widgetLanguage) { switch (widgetLanguage) { case "ENGLISH": return "Discount Codes"; case "PORTUGUESE": return "Códigos de desconto"; case "SPANISH": return "Códigos de descuento"; case "ITALIAN": return "Codici Sconto"; case "FRENCH": return "Codes de réduction"; case "INDONESIAN": return "Kode Diskon"; case "GERMAN": return "Rabatt-Codes"; case "ARABIC": return "رموز الخصم"; case "TURKISH": return "İndirim Kodları"; case "HEBREW": return "קודי הנחה"; case "DUTCH": return "Kortingscodes"; default: return ""; } } function getSubTitleText(widgetLanguage) { switch (widgetLanguage) { case "ENGLISH": return `

Subscribe to important Whatsapp notifications from us

`; case "PORTUGUESE": return `

Assine nossas notificações importantes do Whatsapp

`; case "SPANISH": return `

Suscríbase a nuestras notificaciones importantes de Whatsapp

`; case "ITALIAN": return `

Iscriviti per ricevere importanti notifiche Whatsapp da noi

`; case "FRENCH": return `

Abonnez-vous aux notifications Whatsapp importantes de notre part

`; case "INDONESIAN": return `

Berlangganan notifikasi Whatsapp penting dari kami

`; case "GERMAN": return `

Abonnieren Sie wichtige WhatsApp-Benachrichtigungen von uns

`; case "ARABIC": return `

اشترك في إشعارات Whatsapp المهمة منا

`; case "TURKISH": return `

Bizden önemli Whatsapp bildirimlerine abone olun

`; case "HEBREW": return `

הירשמו להתראות ווטסאפ חשובות מאיתנו

`; case "DUTCH": return `

Abonneer u op belangrijke Whatsapp-meldingen van ons

`; default: return ``; } } function getNoSpamText(widgetLanguage) { switch (widgetLanguage) { case "ENGLISH": return "We promise not to spam you!"; case "PORTUGUESE": return "Prometemos não enviar spam para você!"; case "SPANISH": return "¡Prometemos no enviarte spam!"; case "ITALIAN": return "Promettiamo di non inviarti spam!"; case "FRENCH": return "Nous promettons de ne pas vous spammer!"; case "INDONESIAN": return "Kami berjanji untuk tidak mengirim spam kepada Anda!"; case "GERMAN": return "Wir versprechen, Sie nicht zu spammen!"; case "ARABIC": return "نحن نعدك بعدم إرسال بريد عشوائي إليك!"; case "TURKISH": return "Size spam göndermeyeceğimize söz veriyoruz!"; case "HEBREW": return "אנו מבטיחים לא לשלוח לך דואר זבל!"; case "DUTCH": return "We beloven je niet te spammen!"; default: return ""; } } function restoreMobileOptinWidgetSize() { if (document.querySelector(".wa-optin-widget-ul-container")) { document.querySelector(".wa-optin-widget-ul-container").style.display = "flex"; document.querySelector(".wa-optin-widget-right-sec").style.marginTop = "0"; document .querySelector(".wa-optin-widget-right-sec") .classList.remove( "wa-optin-widget-virtual-keyboard-right-sec-margin-top" ); document .querySelector(".wa-optin-widget-confirm-btn") .classList.remove( "wa-optin-widget-virtual-keyboard-confirm-btn-margin" ); document .querySelector(".wa-optin-clickButton") .classList.remove( "wa-optin-widget-virtual-keyboard-confirm-btn-margin" ); } } function shrinkMobileOptinWidget() { if (document.querySelector(".wa-optin-widget-ul-container")) { document.querySelector(".wa-optin-widget-ul-container").style.display = "none"; document .querySelector(".wa-optin-widget-right-sec") .classList.add("wa-optin-widget-virtual-keyboard-right-sec-margin-top"); document .querySelector(".wa-optin-widget-confirm-btn") .classList.add("wa-optin-widget-virtual-keyboard-confirm-btn-margin"); document .querySelector(".wa-optin-clickButton") .classList.remove( "wa-optin-widget-virtual-keyboard-confirm-btn-margin" ); } } function createOldOptinWidget(settings) { if (settings.optin.enable) { if (isThankYouPage()) { if (localStorage.getItem("opted_in_phone_v2")) { if (Shopify.checkout.order_id) { $splmn_jQuery.ajax({ url: SERVER_BASE_URL + "/shop/order/optin/v2", type: "POST", dataType: "json", contentType: "application/json", data: JSON.stringify({ shop_id: getShopId(), phone: localStorage.getItem("opted_in_phone_v2"), order_id: Shopify.checkout.order_id, }), }); } loadOptinConfirmed(settings.optin.lang); } else { thankYouPageOptinWidget(settings.optin.lang); } } else { $splmn_jQuery("form[action^='/cart']").on("submit", function () { loadOldOptinWidget(settings); }); $splmn_jQuery("form[action^='/cart']") .find("button") .on("click", function () { loadOldOptinWidget(settings); }); $splmn_jQuery("form[action^='/cart/add']") .find("button") .on("click", function () { loadOldOptinWidget(settings); }); $splmn_jQuery("#add-to-cart").on("click", function () { loadOldOptinWidget(settings); }); if (top.location.href.indexOf("/cart") > 0) { loadOldOptinWidget(settings); } } } } function loadOldOptinWidget(settings) { $splmn_jQuery("#wa-optin-widget-root-old").remove(); if (localStorage.getItem("opted_in_phone_v2")) { return; } if (localStorage.getItem("dismiss_count") > 1) { return; } let current_device_type = deviceType(); var widgetContainer = document.createElement("div"); = "wa-optin-widget-root-old"; //zindex from settings var style = document.createElement("style"); style.type = "text/css"; style.innerHTML = ".wa-optin-widget-z-index-old { z-index:" + (current_device_type === 1 ? 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' + chatButton.cta + "
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"sharePos" : "spinWheelPos"; let isMobile = settings.devices && &&[positionType]; let isDesktop = settings.devices && settings.devices.desktop && settings.devices.desktop[positionType]; if (isMobile && isDesktop) deviceType = 3; else if (isMobile) deviceType = 1; else if (isDesktop) deviceType = 2; return deviceType; } function isAtleastOneAgentAvailable(settings) { for (var i = 0; i < settings.agents.length; i++) { if ( isAgentCurrentlyAvailable(settings.agents[i], ) { return true; } } return false; } const weekday = { Sun: 6, Mon: 0, Tue: 1, Wed: 2, Thu: 3, Fri: 4, Sat: 5, }; function isAgentCurrentlyAvailable(agent, store_timezone = "UTC") { // options for intl object let options = { weekday: "short", hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric", second: "numeric", timeZone: store_timezone, hourCycle: "h23", }; // get intl string with options const intlObj = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-US", options) .format(new Date()) .trim(); // get weekday name and time from intlObj const dateObjSplit = intlObj.split(" "); // get week day index const currentDayIndex = weekday[dateObjSplit[0]]; // get current hours and minutes const time = dateObjSplit[1].split(":"); const hours = parseInt(time[0]); const minutes = parseInt(time[1]); var currentHourMinutes = hours * 60 + minutes; var startHourMinutes = parseInt(agent.timings[currentDayIndex].start_time.substring(0, 2)) * 60 + parseInt(agent.timings[currentDayIndex].start_time.substring(2, 4)); var endHourMinutes = parseInt(agent.timings[currentDayIndex].end_time.substring(0, 2)) * 60 + parseInt(agent.timings[currentDayIndex].end_time.substring(2, 4)); return ( startHourMinutes <= currentHourMinutes && endHourMinutes >= currentHourMinutes ); } function isWhatsAppBtnVisible(settings) { let showOnPages = settings.chatButton.showOnPages; if ( (window.ShopifyAnalytics && window.ShopifyAnalytics.meta && && !== undefined ? window.ShopifyAnalytics && window.ShopifyAnalytics.meta && && === "home" : window.location.pathname === "/") && showOnPages && !showOnPages.includes("HOME") ) { return false; } else if ( isCollectionsPage() && showOnPages && !showOnPages.includes("COLLECTION") ) { return false; } else if ( (window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/products/(.*)") || window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/products")) && showOnPages && !showOnPages.includes("PRODUCT") ) { return false; } else if ( (window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/cart/(.*)") || window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/cart")) && !( (deviceType() === 2 && showOnPages && showOnPages.includes("CART_DESKTOP")) || (deviceType() === 1 && showOnPages.includes("CART_MOBILE")) ) ) { return false; } else if ( (window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/orders/(.*)") || window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/orders") || window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/checkouts/(.*)")) && showOnPages && !showOnPages.includes("THANKYOU") ) { return false; } else if ( (window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/blogs/(.*)") || window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/blogs")) && showOnPages && !showOnPages.includes("BLOGPOST") ) { return false; } else if ( (window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/pages/(.*)") || window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/pages")) && showOnPages && !showOnPages.includes("PAGE") ) { return false; } else if ( (window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/account/(.*)") || window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/account")) && showOnPages && !showOnPages.includes("ACCOUNT") ) { return false; } else { return true; } } function isCollectionsPage() { if ( (window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/collections/(.*)") || window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/collections")) && !( window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/products/(.*)") || window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/products") ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } function getButtonAlignment(settings) { if (settings.chatButton.chatAlign == 2) { return "top"; } else { return "bottom"; } } function getHeightOffset(current_device_type, settings) { if (current_device_type == 1) { return && isProductPage() ? 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: settings.devices.desktop.zindex.callout) + ";}"; document.head.appendChild(style); calloutCard.className = "wa-callout-card-fixed wa-callout-card-offset"; calloutCard.onclick = function (e) { handleCalloutCard(e, settings, current_device_type); }; let audioUrl = ""; checkCalloutCardVisibilityTiming( settings, current_device_type, calloutCard, style, audioUrl ); } } function handleCalloutCard(e, settings, current_device_type) { if ("wa-callout-card-close-btn") ||"wa-callout-card-close-btn") ) { hideCalloutCard(); } else { onClick(settings, current_device_type)(); $splmn_jQuery("#wa-callout-card").hide(); } } function hideCalloutCard() { var isCalloutCard = document.getElementById("wa-callout-card"); if (isCalloutCard) { document .getElementById("wa-callout-card") .classList.remove("animate-callout-card"); document .getElementById("wa-callout-card") .classList.add("hide-callout-card"); setTimeout(function () { $splmn_jQuery("#wa-callout-card").hide(); }, 500); } } function onClick(settings, current_device_type) { return function () { hideCalloutCard(); if ( || settings.agents.length > 1) { loadGreetingWidget(settings, current_device_type); } else { if (! { var message = getStoreClosedMessage(settings); alert(message); } else if (!getOnlineAgentsCount(settings)) { var message = settings.greeting.offlineMessages.agent ? settings.greeting.offlineMessages.agent : "Apologies for the inconvenience but none of our agents are online at this time. Please check after sometime."; alert(message); } else { var message = getFinalWhatsappMsg(settings); var available_agent = getFirstAvailableAgent(settings); var link = getWhatsappLink(, message, current_device_type ); OptinViaChatWidget(settings, link)(); } } }; } function createChatbox(settings, type) { let root_id = `wa-type-bubble`; if ($splmn_jQuery(root_id.replace("type", type)).length) { $splmn_jQuery(root_id).show(); $splmn_jQuery( root_id.replace("type", type != "chatOptin" ? type : "greeting") ).hide(); return; } var root = document.createElement("div"); = root_id.replace("type", type); type = "greeting"; //zindex from settings var style = document.createElement("style"); style.type = "text/css"; style.innerHTML = ".wa-greeting-widget-z-index { z-index:" + (current_device_type === 1 ?[type] : settings.devices.desktop.zindex[type]) + ";}"; document.head.appendChild(style); var greetingTemplateId = settings[type].templateId; var greetingColors = settings[type].colors; root.className = "wa-chat-bubble-floating-popup wa_animated wa-greeting-widget-z-index wa-chat-bubble-pos-" + getButtonPosition(current_device_type, settings, "greeting") + (greetingTemplateId > 200 && greetingTemplateId < 300 ? " wa-intercom" : ""); var header = document.createElement("div"); header.className = "wa-chat-bubble-header-common wa-chat-bubble-header-" + greetingTemplateId + (greetingTemplateId > 100 && greetingTemplateId < 200 ? " wavy" : ""); var avatarStyleStr = ""; var headerStyleStr = ""; var horizontalGradient = true; var bgColor1 =[0] || "#20802C"; var bgColor2 =[1] || "#30BF42"; var headTextStyle = ""; var descTextStyle = ""; if (settings[type].colors.custom) { switch (greetingTemplateId) { case 301: break; case 302: header.className += " wavy"; break; case 303: horizontalGradient = false; root.className += " wa-intercom"; break; } headerStyleStr = greetingColors.solidBg ? `background: ${bgColor1}` : horizontalGradient ? `background-image: linear-gradient(110.56deg, ${bgColor1} 0%, ${bgColor2} 100%)` : `background-image: linear-gradient(164.25deg, ${bgColor1} 18.04%, ${bgColor2} 81.96%)`; = headerStyleStr; avatarStyleStr = `background: ${bgColor1};`; headTextStyle = `color: ${greetingColors.head || "#ffffff"}`; descTextStyle = `color: ${greetingColors.desc || "#ffffff"}`; } header.appendChild(getCloseButton()); header.appendChild(getHeaderTitle(settings, headTextStyle, type)); header.appendChild(getHeaderDesc(settings, descTextStyle, type)); // change the background then, set the agent background. var chat = document.createElement("div"); chat.className = "wa-chat-bubble-chat"; = "wa-chat-bubble-chat"; let enablePoweredBy; if (settings[type].disablePoweredBy == null) { enablePoweredBy = true; } else { enablePoweredBy = !settings[type].disablePoweredBy; } if (enablePoweredBy) { var footer = document.createElement("div"); footer.className = "wa-chat-widget-footer"; footer.innerHTML = 'Powered by SuperLemon'; footer.onclick = function () { openInNewTab( "" ); }; root.appendChild(footer); } return { chat, avatarStyleStr, root, header }; } function createOptinChatbox(settings, type) { let root_id = `wa-type-bubble`; if (jQuery(root_id.replace("type", type)).length) { jQuery(root_id).show(); jQuery( root_id.replace("type", type != "chatOptin" ? type : "greeting") ).hide(); return; } var root = document.createElement("div"); = root_id.replace("type", type); type = "chatWidget"; //zindex from settings var style = document.createElement("style"); style.type = "text/css"; style.innerHTML = ".wa-greeting-widget-z-index { z-index:" + (current_device_type === 1 ?["optin"] : settings.devices.desktop.zindex["optin"]) + ";}"; document.head.appendChild(style); var optinWidgetTemplateId = settings[type].optin_template; var optinWidgetColors = { bg: [ settings[type].optin_template_bg_color_1, settings[type].optin_template_bg_color_2, ], custom: settings[type].is_optin_template_color_custom, desc: settings[type].optin_template_desc_text_color, head: settings[type].optin_template_head_text_color, solidBg: settings[type].is_optin_template_solid_background, }; root.className = "wa-chat-bubble-floating-popup wa_animated wa-greeting-widget-z-index wa-chat-bubble-pos-" + getButtonPosition(current_device_type, settings, "greeting") + (optinWidgetTemplateId > 200 && optinWidgetTemplateId < 300 ? " wa-intercom" : ""); var header = document.createElement("div"); header.className = "wa-chat-bubble-header-common wa-chat-bubble-header-" + optinWidgetTemplateId + (optinWidgetTemplateId > 100 && optinWidgetTemplateId < 200 ? " wavy" : ""); var avatarStyleStr = ""; var headerStyleStr = ""; var horizontalGradient = true; var bgColor1 =[0] || "#20802C"; var bgColor2 =[1] || "#30BF42"; var headTextStyle = ""; var descTextStyle = ""; if (optinWidgetColors.custom) { switch (optinWidgetTemplateId) { case 301: break; case 302: header.className += " wavy"; break; case 303: horizontalGradient = false; root.className += " wa-intercom"; break; } headerStyleStr = optinWidgetColors.solidBg ? `background: ${bgColor1}` : horizontalGradient ? `background-image: linear-gradient(110.56deg, ${bgColor1} 0%, ${bgColor2} 100%)` : `background-image: linear-gradient(164.25deg, ${bgColor1} 18.04%, ${bgColor2} 81.96%)`; = headerStyleStr; avatarStyleStr = `background: ${bgColor1};`; headTextStyle = `color: ${optinWidgetColors.head || "#ffffff"}`; descTextStyle = `color: ${optinWidgetColors.desc || "#ffffff"}`; } header.appendChild(getCloseButton()); header.appendChild(getHeaderTitle(settings, headTextStyle, type)); header.appendChild(getHeaderDesc(settings, descTextStyle, type)); // change the background then, set the agent background. var chat = document.createElement("div"); chat.className = "wa-chat-bubble-chat"; = "wa-chat-bubble-chat"; let enablePoweredBy; if (settings["greeting"].disablePoweredBy == null) { enablePoweredBy = true; } else { enablePoweredBy = !settings["greeting"].disablePoweredBy; } if (enablePoweredBy) { var footer = document.createElement("div"); footer.className = "wa-chat-widget-footer"; footer.innerHTML = 'Powered by SuperLemon'; footer.onclick = function () { openInNewTab( "" ); }; root.appendChild(footer); } return { chat, avatarStyleStr, root, header }; } function loadGreetingWidget(settings, current_device_type) { let type = "greeting"; if ($splmn_jQuery(`#wa-${type}-bubble`).length) { $splmn_jQuery(`#wa-${type}-bubble`).show(); $splmn_jQuery(`#wa-${type}-bubble`).removeClass("bounceDown"); $splmn_jQuery(`#wa-${type}-bubble`).addClass("bounceUp"); $splmn_jQuery("#wa-chat-btn-root").hide(); return; } let { chat, avatarStyleStr, root, header } = createChatbox(settings, type); if (! { var message = getStoreClosedMessage(settings); var div = document.createElement("div"); div.className = "wa-chat-multiple-cs"; = "wa-chat-multiple-cs"; var agent = document.createElement("div"); agent.className = "list-cs"; var agentProfile = document.createElement("div"); agentProfile.className = "wa-chat-bubble-cs-profile"; agentProfile.innerHTML = '
' + message + "
"; agent.appendChild(agentProfile); div.appendChild(agent); chat.appendChild(div); root.appendChild(header); root.appendChild(chat); } else if (!getOnlineAgentsCount(settings)) { var message = settings.greeting.offlineMessages.agent || "Apologies for the inconvenience but none of our agents are online at this time. Please check after sometime."; var div = document.createElement("div"); div.className = "wa-chat-multiple-cs"; = "wa-chat-multiple-cs"; var agent = document.createElement("div"); agent.className = "list-cs"; var agentProfile = document.createElement("div"); agentProfile.className = "wa-chat-bubble-cs-profile"; agentProfile.innerHTML = '
' + message + "
"; agent.appendChild(agentProfile); div.appendChild(agent); chat.appendChild(div); root.appendChild(header); root.appendChild(chat); } else { chat.appendChild( getMultipleAgents(settings, current_device_type, avatarStyleStr) ); root.appendChild(header); root.appendChild(chat); } document.body.appendChild(root); $splmn_jQuery("#wa-greeting-bubble").addClass("bounceUp"); $splmn_jQuery("#wa-chat-btn-root").hide(); $splmn_jQuery("#wa-chat-optin").hide(); return; } function getCloseButton(type) { var closeBtn = document.createElement("div"); closeBtn.className = "wa-chat-bubble-close-btn"; closeBtn.innerHTML = ''; closeBtn.onclick = function () { // new bouncedown greeting widget animation $splmn_jQuery(`#wa-greeting-bubble`).removeClass("bounceUp"); $splmn_jQuery(`#wa-greeting-bubble`).addClass("bounceDown"); $splmn_jQuery(`#wa-chatOptin-bubble`).removeClass("bounceUp"); $splmn_jQuery(`#wa-chatOptin-bubble`).addClass("bounceDown"); $splmn_jQuery("#wa-chat-btn-root").show(); }; return closeBtn; } function getHeaderTitle(settings, customStyle = "", type) { var headerTitle = document.createElement("div"); headerTitle.className = "wa-chat-bubble-header-title"; headerTitle.innerHTML = type === "greeting" ? settings.greeting.multiAgentTitle : settings.chatWidget.optin_title; = customStyle; return headerTitle; } function getHeaderDesc(settings, customStyle = "", type) { var headerDesc = document.createElement("div"); headerDesc.className = "wa-chat-bubble-header-desc"; headerDesc.innerHTML = type === "greeting" ? settings.greeting.multiAgentMsg : settings.chatWidget.optin_helpText; = customStyle; return headerDesc; } function getOnlineAgentsCount(settings) { var count = 0; for (var i = 0; i < settings.agents.length; i++) { if (!settings.agents[i].enabled) { continue; } if ( !isAgentCurrentlyAvailable(settings.agents[i], ) { continue; } count += 1; } return count; } function getStoreClosedMessage(settings) { const today = getDay() - 1; let start_time, end_time; // get today's shop time for (const obj of { if ( === today) { start_time = obj.start_time; end_time = obj.end_time; } } start_time = start_time.substring(0, 2) + ":" + start_time.substring(2, 4); end_time = end_time.substring(0, 2) + ":" + end_time.substring(2, 4); var message = || "Hi, our working hours are to , request you to reach us at the same time. Apologies for the inconvenience."; message = message.replace("", start_time); message = message.replace("", end_time); return message; } function getDay() { return new Date().getDay(); } function getFinalWhatsappMsg(settings) { if (settings.chatButton.productLink) { return ( encodeURIComponent(window.location.href.split("?")[0]) + "%0A%0A" + encodeURIComponent(settings.chatButton.chatMessage) ); } else { return encodeURIComponent(settings.chatButton.chatMessage); } } function getFirstAvailableAgent(settings) { for (var i = 0; i < settings.agents.length; i++) { if ( isAgentCurrentlyAvailable( settings.agents[i], ) && settings.agents[i].enabled ) { return settings.agents[i]; } } return null; } function getAgentAvatarUrl(agent) { switch (agent.avatarId) { case 1: return ""; case 2: return ""; case 3: return ""; case 4: return ""; case 5: return agent.avatarUrl; default: return ""; } } function getMultipleAgents(settings, current_device_type, customStyle = "") { var multiplecs = document.createElement("div"); multiplecs.className = "wa-chat-multiple-cs"; = "wa-chat-multiple-cs"; if (settings.greeting.shuffleAgents) { settings.agents = shuffle(settings.agents); } for (var i = 0; i < settings.agents.length; i++) { if (!settings.agents[i].enabled) { continue; } if ( !isAgentCurrentlyAvailable(settings.agents[i], ) { continue; } var agent = document.createElement("div"); agent.className = "list-cs"; var agentAvatar = document.createElement("div"); agentAvatar.innerHTML = ``; agent.appendChild(agentAvatar); var agentProfile = document.createElement("div"); agentProfile.className = "wa-chat-bubble-cs-profile"; agentProfile.innerHTML = '

" + settings.agents[i].role + "

"; agent.appendChild(agentProfile); var message = getFinalWhatsappMsg(settings); var link = getWhatsappLink( settings.agents[i].phone, message, current_device_type ); agent.onclick = OptinViaChatWidget(settings, link, settings.agents[i].id); multiplecs.appendChild(agent); } return multiplecs; } function shuffle(array) { var currentIndex = array.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex; // While there remain elements to shuffle... while (0 !== currentIndex) { // Pick a remaining element... randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex); currentIndex -= 1; // And swap it with the current element. temporaryValue = array[currentIndex]; array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex]; array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue; } return array; } function OptinViaChatWidget(settings, link, agent_id) { var _originalSize = $splmn_jQuery(window).width() + $splmn_jQuery(window).height(); return function () { localStorage.setItem("from_greetings", 1); localStorage.setItem( "agent_details", JSON.stringify({ agent_id: agent_id ? agent_id : null, link: link, }) ); loadOptinWidgetViaChat(settings, _originalSize); }; } function getWhatsappLink(phone, message, current_device_type) { var link = ""; var IOS = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.MSStream; if (current_device_type == 2) { link = "" + message; } else if (current_device_type == 1 && !IOS) { link = "whatsapp://send?text=" + message; } else if (current_device_type == 1 && IOS) { link = "" + message; } if (phone) { link += "&phone=" + phone; } return link; } function onChatInitiated(settings, agent_id) { const shop_id = getShopId(); $splmn_jQuery.ajax({ url: SERVER_BASE_URL_ANALYTICS + "/chat", type: "POST", data: { url: shop_id, }, }); var ga =; // fire the GA event. if ( settings.is_google_analytics_enabled && ga && typeof ga === "function" ) { ga("send", { hitType: "event", eventCategory: settings.google_analytics_event_category, eventAction: settings.google_analytics_event_action, eventLabel: settings.google_analytics_event_label, }); } var fbq = window.fbq; // fire the Fb pixel event. if (settings.is_facebook_pixel_enabled && fbq) { fbq("track", settings.fb_pixel_event_name, {}); } } function openInNewTab(href) { logWithBadge("Open In New Tab Attempted"); Object.assign(document.createElement("a"), { target: "_blank", href: href, }).click(); } function checkCalloutCardVisibilityTiming( settings, current_device_type, calloutCard, style, url ) { if (localStorage.callout_card_last_shown) { if ( - JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("callout_card_last_shown")) >= settings.callout.timeDelay * 1000 ) { showCalloutCard(settings, current_device_type, calloutCard, style, url); } } else { showCalloutCard(settings, current_device_type, calloutCard, style, url); } } function showCalloutCard( settings, current_device_type, calloutCard, style, url ) { setTimeout(function () { if ($splmn_jQuery("#wa-chat-btn-root").is(":visible")) { document.body.appendChild(calloutCard); if (settings.callout.notification) { playSound(url); } let whatsAppBtnHeigth = document.getElementById("wa-chat-btn-root") ? document.getElementById("wa-chat-btn-root").clientHeight : 0; let bottomOffset = Number(getHeightOffset(current_device_type, settings)) + whatsAppBtnHeigth + 12; setTimeout(function () { style.innerHTML += ".animate-callout-card { bottom: " + bottomOffset + "px;}"; document.head.appendChild(style); calloutCard.classList.add("animate-callout-card"); }, 400); } localStorage.setItem( "callout_card_last_shown", JSON.stringify( ); }, settings.callout.delay * 1000); } function playSound(url) { if (!document.getElementById("superlemon-iframe")) { var i = document.createElement("iframe"); i.src = ""; i.allow = "autoplay"; = "audio"; = "display:none"; = "superlemon-iframe"; document.body.appendChild(i); } var a = document.createElement("audio"); a.setAttribute("autoplay", ""); a.innerHTML = ''; } /*=======================*/ /* WhatsApp Share Button */ /*=======================*/ function createWhatsappShareBtn(settings) { var current_device_type = deviceType(); var settingsDeviceType = getDeviceTypeFromSettings(settings, "share"); if ( settings.shareButton.enabled && (settingsDeviceType & current_device_type) != 0 && isShareBtnVisible(settings) ) { var d = document.createElement("div"); d.className = "wa-share-btn-container"; let shareButton = settings.shareButton; var textColorStr = ""; var bgColor1 =[0]; var bgColor2 =[1]; var iconColor = shareButton.colors.icon || "#ffffff"; if (shareButton.colors.custom) { if (shareButton.colors.solidBg) { = `background: ${bgColor1 || "#22ce5b"}`; } else { = `background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, ${bgColor1} 0%, ${bgColor2} 100%);`; } textColorStr = `color: ${shareButton.colors.text || "#ffffff"}`; } //zindex from settings var style = document.createElement("style"); style.type = "text/css"; style.innerHTML = ".wa-share-btn-z-index { z-index:" + (current_device_type === 1 ? : settings.devices.desktop.zindex.share) + ";}"; var verticalOffsetShare = current_device_type === 1 ? : settings.devices.desktop.verticalOffsetShare; style.innerHTML += ` .wa-splmn-share-btn-offset {${ verticalOffsetShare > 88 ? `top: calc(100% - ${verticalOffsetShare}%); bottom: unset;` : `bottom: ${verticalOffsetShare}%;` } }`; document.head.appendChild(style); d.className += " wa-share-btn-pos-" + getButtonPosition(current_device_type, settings, "share"); d.className += " " + getShareButtonTheme(shareButton.buttonId) + " " + "wa-share-btn-z-index" + " " + "wa-share-btn-theme-" + shareButton.buttonId; d.className += " wa-splmn-share-btn-offset"; var img_url = getShareButtonImg(shareButton.buttonId); var imgStr = ``; if (shareButton.colors.custom) { imgStr = ``; } d.innerHTML += '" + imgStr; var message = getFinalWhatsappShareMsg(settings); var link = getWhatsappLink(null, message, current_device_type); d.onclick = onShareBtnClick(link); document.body.appendChild(d); } } function isShareBtnVisible(settings) { let showOnPages = settings.shareButton.showOnPages; if ( (window.ShopifyAnalytics && window.ShopifyAnalytics.meta && && !== undefined ? window.ShopifyAnalytics && window.ShopifyAnalytics.meta && && === "home" : window.location.pathname === "/") && showOnPages && !showOnPages.includes("HOME") ) { return false; } else if ( isCollectionsPage() && showOnPages && !showOnPages.includes("COLLECTION") ) { return false; } else if ( (window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/products/(.*)") || window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/products")) && showOnPages && !showOnPages.includes("PRODUCT") ) { return false; } else if ( (window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/cart/(.*)") || window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/cart")) && !( (deviceType() === 2 && showOnPages && showOnPages.includes("CART_DESKTOP")) || (deviceType() === 1 && showOnPages.includes("CART_MOBILE")) ) ) { return false; } else if ( (window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/orders/(.*)") || window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/orders") || window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/checkouts/(.*)")) && showOnPages && !showOnPages.includes("THANKYOU") ) { return false; } else if ( (window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/blogs/(.*)") || window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/blogs")) && showOnPages && !showOnPages.includes("BLOGPOST") ) { return false; } else if ( (window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/pages/(.*)") || window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/pages")) && showOnPages && !showOnPages.includes("PAGE") ) { return false; } else if ( (window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/account/(.*)") || window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/account")) && showOnPages && !showOnPages.includes("ACCOUNT") ) { return false; } else { return true; } } function getShareButtonTheme(template_id) { switch (template_id) { case 1: return "wa-share-btn-tmpl-regular"; case 2: return "wa-share-btn-tmpl-inverted"; case 3: return "wa-share-btn-tmpl-black-regular"; case 4: return "wa-share-btn-tmpl-black-inverted"; case 5: return "wa-share-btn-tmpl-old"; } } function getShareButtonImg(template_id) { switch (template_id) { case 1: return ""; case 2: return ""; case 3: return ""; case 4: return ""; case 5: return ""; default: return ""; } } function getFinalWhatsappShareMsg(settings) { return ( encodeURIComponent(window.location.href.split("?")[0]) + "%0A%0A" + encodeURIComponent(settings.shareButton.shareMessage) ); } function onShareBtnClick(link) { return function () { const shop_id = getShopId(); $splmn_jQuery.ajax({ url: SERVER_BASE_URL_ANALYTICS + "/share", type: "POST", data: { url: shop_id, }, }); openInNewTab(link); }; } /*=======================*/ /* Spin The Wheel Button */ /*=======================*/ function getSpinSpecialDiscountUnlocked(SpinWidgetLanguage) { switch (SpinWidgetLanguage) { case "ENGLISH": return "Special discount unlocked"; case "ARABIC": return "خصم خاص مفتوح"; case "DUTCH": return "Speciale korting ontgrendeld"; case "FRENCH": return "Remise spéciale débloqué"; case "GERMAN": return "Sonderrabatt freigeschaltet"; case "HEBREW": return "הנחה מיוחדת לא נעולה"; case "PORTUGUESE": return "Desconto especial desbloqueado"; case "RUSSIAN": return "Специальная скидка разблокирована"; case "SPANISH": return "Descuento especial desbloqueado"; case "TURKISH": return "Özel indirim kilidi açıldı"; case "INDONESIAN": return "Diskon Khusus Tidak Terkunci"; case "ITALIAN": return "Sconto speciale sbloccato"; default: return "Special discount unlocked"; } } function getSpinTheWheel(SpinWidgetLanguage) { switch (SpinWidgetLanguage) { case "ENGLISH": return "Spin the Wheel"; case "ARABIC": return "تدور العجلة"; case "DUTCH": return "Draai het wiel"; case "FRENCH": return "Tourne la roue"; case "GERMAN": return "Drehe das Rad"; case "HEBREW": return "סובב את הגלגל"; case "PORTUGUESE": return "Gire a roda"; case "RUSSIAN": return "Поверните колесо"; case "SPANISH": return "Gira la rueda"; case "TURKISH": return "Tekerleği döndür"; case "INDONESIAN": return "Putar rodanya"; case "ITALIAN": return "Gira la ruota"; default: return "Spin the Wheel"; } } function getSpinWheelGameRules(SpinWidgetLanguage) { switch (SpinWidgetLanguage) { case "ENGLISH": return `


  • You can spin the wheel only once
  • If you win, you can claim the coupon
`; case "ARABIC": return `


  • يمكنك تدوير العجلة مرة واحدة فقط
  • إذا فزت ، يمكنك المطالبة بالقسيمة
`; case "DUTCH": return `


  • U kunt het wiel slechts eenmaal draaien
  • Als u wint, kunt u de coupon claimen
`; case "FRENCH": return `


  • Vous ne pouvez faire tourner la roue qu'une seule fois
  • Si vous gagnez, vous pouvez réclamer le coupon
`; case "GERMAN": return `


  • Sie können das Rad nur einmal drehen
  • Wenn Sie gewinnen, können Sie den Gutschein beanspruchen
`; case "HEBREW": return `


  • אתה יכול לסובב את הגלגל רק פעם אחת
  • אם אתה מנצח, אתה יכול לתבוע את הקופון
`; case "PORTUGUESE": return `


  • Você pode girar a roda apenas uma vez
  • Se você vencer, você pode reivindicar o cupom
`; case "RUSSIAN": return `


  • Вы можете крутить колесо только один раз
  • Если вы выиграете, вы можете требовать купона
`; case "SPANISH": return `


  • Puedes girar la rueda solo una vez
  • Si gana, puede reclamar el cupón
`; case "TURKISH": return `


  • Tekerleği yalnızca bir kez döndürebilirsiniz
  • Kazanırsanız, kuponu talep edebilirsiniz
`; case "INDONESIAN": return `


  • Anda hanya dapat memutar roda sekali
  • Jika Anda menang, Anda dapat mengklaim kuponnya
`; case "ITALIAN": return `


  • Puoi girare la ruota solo una volta
  • Se vinci, puoi richiedere il coupon
`; default: return `


  • You can spin the wheel only once
  • If you win, You can claim the coupon
`; } } function getYayYouWillGet(SpinWidgetLanguage) { switch (SpinWidgetLanguage) { case "ENGLISH": return "Yay!! you will get"; case "ARABIC": return "ياي!! ستحصل"; case "DUTCH": return "Ja !! je zult krijgen"; case "FRENCH": return "Yay!! tu auras"; case "GERMAN": return "Yay!! Sie erhalten"; case "HEBREW": return "יש!! אתה תקבל"; case "PORTUGUESE": return "Yay!! você vai ter"; case "RUSSIAN": return "Ура!! ты получишь"; case "SPANISH": return "¡¡Hurra!! conseguirás"; case "TURKISH": return "Yay!! Alacaksın"; case "INDONESIAN": return "Yay !! kamu akan mendapatkan"; case "ITALIAN": return "Sìì!! otterrete"; default: return "Yay!! you will get"; } } function getWeAllSendTheDiscountCode(SpinWidgetLanguage) { switch (SpinWidgetLanguage) { case "ENGLISH": return "We’ll send the discount code on your WhatsApp number"; case "ARABIC": return "سنرسل رمز الخصم على رقم WhatsApp الخاص بك"; case "DUTCH": return "We sturen de kortingscode op uw WhatsApp -nummer"; case "FRENCH": return "Nous enverrons le code de réduction sur votre numéro WhatsApp"; case "GERMAN": return "Wir senden den Rabattcode auf Ihre WhatsApp -Nummer"; case "HEBREW": return "אנו נשלח את קוד ההנחה במספר WhatsApp שלך"; case "PORTUGUESE": return "Enviaremos o código de desconto no seu número do WhatsApp"; case "RUSSIAN": return "Мы отправим код скидки на ваш номер WhatsApp"; case "SPANISH": return "Enviaremos el código de descuento en su número de WhatsApp"; case "TURKISH": return "WhatsApp numaranızda indirim kodunu göndereceğiz"; case "INDONESIAN": return "Kami akan mengirimkan kode diskon pada nomor whatsapp Anda"; case "ITALIAN": return "Invieremo il codice di sconto sul tuo numero di whatsapp"; } } function getSpinGetTheDiscountCode(SpinWidgetLanguage) { switch (SpinWidgetLanguage) { case "ENGLISH": return "Get the Discount Code"; case "ARABIC": return "احصل على رمز الخصم"; case "DUTCH": return "Ontvang de kortingscode"; case "FRENCH": return "Obtenez le code de réduction"; case "GERMAN": return "Holen Sie sich den Rabattcode"; case "HEBREW": return "קבל את קוד ההנחה"; case "PORTUGUESE": return "Obtenha o código de desconto"; case "RUSSIAN": return "Получите код скидки"; case "SPANISH": return "Obtenga el código de descuento"; case "TURKISH": return "İndirim Kodunu Alın"; case "INDONESIAN": return "Dapatkan Kode Diskon"; case "ITALIAN": return "Ottieni il codice di sconto"; default: return "Get the Discount Code"; } } function getSpinYouWin(SpinWidgetLanguage) { switch (SpinWidgetLanguage) { case "ENGLISH": return "You win!"; case "ARABIC": return "فزت!"; case "DUTCH": return "Jij wint!"; case "FRENCH": return "Vous gagnez!"; case "GERMAN": return "Du gewinnst!"; case "HEBREW": return "ניצחת!"; case "PORTUGUESE": return "Você ganha!"; case "RUSSIAN": return "Ты победил!"; case "SPANISH": return "¡Tú ganas!"; case "TURKISH": return "Sen kazandın!"; case "INDONESIAN": return "Kamu menang!"; case "ITALIAN": return "Hai vinto!"; default: return "You win!"; } } function getSpinYourCouponCodeIs(SpinWidgetLanguage) { switch (SpinWidgetLanguage) { case "ENGLISH": return "Your Coupon code is:"; case "ARABIC": return "رمز القسيمة الخاص بك هو:"; case "DUTCH": return "Uw couponcode is:"; case "FRENCH": return "Votre code de coupon est:"; case "GERMAN": return "Ihr Gutscheincode lautet:"; case "HEBREW": return "קוד הקופון שלך הוא:"; case "PORTUGUESE": return "Seu código de cupom é:"; case "RUSSIAN": return "Ваш код купона:"; case "SPANISH": return "Su código de cupón es:"; case "TURKISH": return "Kupon kodunuz:"; case "INDONESIAN": return "Kode kupon Anda adalah:"; case "ITALIAN": return "Il tuo codice coupon è:"; default: return "Your Coupon code is:"; } } function getSpinCopyCouponCode(SpinWidgetLanguage) { switch (SpinWidgetLanguage) { case "ENGLISH": return "Copy coupon code"; case "ARABIC": return "نسخ رمز القسيمة"; case "DUTCH": return "Kopieer couponcode"; case "FRENCH": return "Copier le code de coupon"; case "GERMAN": return "Couponcode kopieren"; case "HEBREW": return "העתק קוד קופון"; case "PORTUGUESE": return "Copie o código do cupom"; case "RUSSIAN": return "Копировать код купона"; case "SPANISH": return "Copiar código de cupón"; case "TURKISH": return "Kupon Kodunu Kopyala"; case "INDONESIAN": return "Salin kode kupon"; case "ITALIAN": return "Copia il codice coupon"; default: return "Copy coupon code"; } } function getSpinWeHaveAlsoSentTheCouponCodeOnYourNumber(SpinWidgetLanguage) { switch (SpinWidgetLanguage) { case "ENGLISH": return "We have also sent the coupon code on your number"; case "ARABIC": return "لقد أرسلنا أيضًا رمز القسيمة على رقمك"; case "DUTCH": return "We hebben ook de couponcode op uw nummer verzonden"; case "FRENCH": return "Nous avons également envoyé le code de coupon sur votre numéro"; case "GERMAN": return "Wir haben auch den Gutscheincode auf Ihre Nummer gesendet"; case "HEBREW": return "שלחנו גם את קוד הקופון על המספר שלך"; case "PORTUGUESE": return "Também enviamos o código do cupom em seu número"; case "RUSSIAN": return "Мы также отправили код купона на ваш номер"; case "SPANISH": return "También hemos enviado el código de cupón en su número"; case "TURKISH": return "Numaranızda kupon kodunu da gönderdik"; case "INDONESIAN": return "Kami juga telah mengirim kode kupon di nomor Anda"; case "ITALIAN": return "Abbiamo anche inviato il codice coupon sul tuo numero"; default: return "We have also sent the coupon code on your number"; } } function getSpinYouAlmostWin(SpinWidgetLanguage) { switch (SpinWidgetLanguage) { case "ENGLISH": return "You almost win!"; case "ARABIC": return "لقد فزت تقريبا!"; case "DUTCH": return "Je wint bijna!"; case "FRENCH": return "Vous gagnez presque!"; case "GERMAN": return "Sie gewinnen fast!"; case "HEBREW": return "אתה כמעט מנצח!"; case "PORTUGUESE": return "Você quase vence!"; case "RUSSIAN": return "Вы почти выигрываете!"; case "SPANISH": return "¡Casi ganas!"; case "TURKISH": return "Neredeyse kazanıyorsun!"; case "INDONESIAN": return "Anda hampir menang!"; case "ITALIAN": return "Quasi vinci!"; default: return "You almost win!"; } } function getSpinBetterLuckNextTime(SpinWidgetLanguage) { switch (SpinWidgetLanguage) { case "ENGLISH": return "Better luck next time"; case "ARABIC": return "حظ أوفر في المرة القادمة"; case "DUTCH": return "Volgende keer beter"; case "FRENCH": return "Plus de chance la prochaine fois"; case "GERMAN": return "Mehr Glück beim nächsten Mal"; case "HEBREW": return "בהצלחה בפעם הבאה"; case "PORTUGUESE": return "Mais sorte da próxima vez"; case "RUSSIAN": return "Повезет в следующий раз"; case "SPANISH": return "Mejor suerte la próxima vez"; case "TURKISH": return "Bir dahaki sefere daha iyi şanslar"; case "INDONESIAN": return "Semoga lain kali lebih beruntung"; case "ITALIAN": return "La prossima volta sarai più fortunato"; default: return "Better luck next time"; } } function getSpinBtnClose(SpinWidgetLanguage) { switch (SpinWidgetLanguage) { case "ENGLISH": return "Close"; case "ARABIC": return "قريب"; case "DUTCH": return "Dichtbij"; case "FRENCH": return "proche"; case "GERMAN": return "Nah dran"; case "HEBREW": return "סגור"; case "PORTUGUESE": return "Perto"; case "RUSSIAN": return "Закрывать"; case "SPANISH": return "Cerca"; case "TURKISH": return "Kapat"; case "INDONESIAN": return "Menutup"; case "ITALIAN": return "Chiudere"; default: return "Close"; } } function createSpinTheWheelBtn(settings) { var current_device_type = deviceType(); var settingsDeviceType = getDeviceTypeFromSettings(settings, "spinWheel"); if ( settings && settings.spinWheel && settings.spinWheel.is_wheel_enabled && settings.spinWheel.wheelData && settings.spinWheel.wheelData.length > 0 && (settingsDeviceType & current_device_type) != 0 && isSpinBtnVisible(settings) ) { spinWheelInitConfig.list = settings.spinWheel.wheelData; spinWheelInitConfig.wheelId = settings.spinWheel.wheelId; // spin-wheel-btn-container var spinWheelBtnElement = document.createElement("div"); = "spinwheel-btn-root"; let spinWheelButton = settings.spinWheel; //zindex from settings var style = document.createElement("style"); style.type = "text/css"; var wheelVerticalOffset = current_device_type === 1 ? : settings.devices.desktop.wheelVerticalOffset; var wheelHorizontalOffset = current_device_type === 1 ? : settings.devices.desktop.wheelHorizontalOffset; var spinWheelBtnPos = getButtonPosition( current_device_type, settings, "spinWheel" ); style.innerHTML = ".spin-wheel-splmn-btn-offset {" + "bottom: " + wheelVerticalOffset + "px;" + spinWheelBtnPos + ":" + wheelHorizontalOffset + "px;" + "z-index:" + (current_device_type === 1 ? : settings.devices.desktop.zindex.spinWheel) + ";}"; document.head.appendChild(style); spinWheelBtnElement.className += "spin-wheel-btn-fixed spin-wheel-splmn-btn-offset"; var img_url = ""; var imgStr = ``; spinWheelBtnElement.innerHTML += imgStr; spinWheelBtnElement.onclick = function () { const shop_id = getShopId(); $splmn_jQuery.ajax({ url: SERVER_BASE_URL_ANALYTICS + "/spinwheel", type: "POST", data: { url: shop_id, }, }); loadSpinWheelWidget(settings, current_device_type); }; document.body.appendChild(spinWheelBtnElement); } } function isSpinBtnVisible(settings) { let wheelPages = settings.spinWheel.wheelPages; if ( window.location.pathname === "/" && wheelPages && !wheelPages.includes("HOME") ) { return false; } else if ( isCollectionsPage() && wheelPages && !wheelPages.includes("COLLECTION") ) { return false; } else if ( (window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/products/(.*)") || window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/products")) && wheelPages && !wheelPages.includes("PRODUCT") ) { return false; } else if ( (window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/cart/(.*)") || window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/cart")) && !( (deviceType() === 2 && wheelPages && wheelPages.includes("CART_DESKTOP")) || (deviceType() === 1 && wheelPages.includes("CART_MOBILE")) ) ) { return false; } else if ( (window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/orders/(.*)") || window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/orders") || window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/checkouts/(.*)")) && wheelPages && !wheelPages.includes("THANKYOU") ) { return false; } else if ( (window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/blogs/(.*)") || window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/blogs")) && wheelPages && !wheelPages.includes("BLOGPOST") ) { return false; } else if ( (window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/pages/(.*)") || window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/pages")) && wheelPages && !wheelPages.includes("PAGE") ) { return false; } else if ( (window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/account/(.*)") || window.location.pathname.match("(.*)/account")) && wheelPages && !wheelPages.includes("ACCOUNT") ) { return false; } else { return true; } } function getSpinWheelCloseBtn() { var closeBtn = document.createElement("div"); closeBtn.className = "spinwheel-bubble-close-btn"; closeBtn.innerHTML = ''; closeBtn.onclick = function () { // new bouncedown greeting widget animation $splmn_jQuery("#spinwheel-bubble").removeClass("bounceUp"); $splmn_jQuery("#spinwheel-bubble").addClass("bounceDown"); $splmn_jQuery("#spinwheel-btn-root").show(); }; return closeBtn; } function loadSpinWheelWidget(settings, current_device_type) { if ($splmn_jQuery("#spinwheel-bubble").length) { $splmn_jQuery("#spinwheel-bubble").show(); $splmn_jQuery("#spinwheel-bubble").removeClass("bounceDown"); $splmn_jQuery("#spinwheel-bubble").addClass("bounceUp"); $splmn_jQuery("#spinwheel-btn-root").hide(); return; } // Spin Widget Language var SpinWidgetLanguage = settings && settings.spinWheel && settings.spinWheel.language ? settings.spinWheel.language : "ENGLISH"; // bubble var spinWheelBubbleElement = document.createElement("div"); = "spinwheel-bubble"; if (deviceType() != 1) { // = `height: ${75 / 100 * screen.height}px`; } //zindex from settings var style = document.createElement("style"); style.type = "text/css"; style.innerHTML = ".spinwheel-widget-z-index { z-index:" + (current_device_type === 2 ? "100000 !important" : settings.devices.desktop.zindex.spinWheel) + ";}"; document.head.appendChild(style); var spinWheelBtnPos = getButtonPosition( current_device_type, settings, "spinWheel" ); spinWheelBubbleElement.className = "spinwheel-bubble-floating-popup wa_animated spinwheel-widget-z-index spinwheel-bubble-pos-" + spinWheelBtnPos; var header = document.createElement("div"); header.className = "spinwheel-bubble-header"; header.appendChild(getSpinWheelCloseBtn()); // spin wheel widget container var spinWheelWidgetContainer = document.createElement("div"); spinWheelWidgetContainer.className = "spinwheel-bubble-widget-container"; // spin wheel left side starts let canvasSize = spinWheelInitConfig.canvasSize; var wheelOfFortuneDiv = document.createElement("div"); = "wheel-of-fortune"; if (deviceType() == 1) { wheelOfFortuneDiv.classList = `spinWheelBottom`; } wheelOfFortuneDiv.appendChild(createSpinWheelCanvas(settings)); // spin wheel left side ends // right side starts var widgetInfoDiv = document.createElement("div"); = "spin-wheel-info"; var gameStatusTxt = document.createElement("h1"); gameStatusTxt.className = "game-status-txt"; gameStatusTxt.innerHTML = getSpinSpecialDiscountUnlocked(SpinWidgetLanguage); var spinTheWheelBtn = document.createElement("button"); spinTheWheelBtn.innerHTML = getSpinTheWheel(SpinWidgetLanguage); spinTheWheelBtn.onclick = () => onSpinWheelBtnClick(SpinWidgetLanguage, spinTheWheelBtn); var gameRules = document.createElement("div"); gameRules.classList = "spin-wheel-game-rules"; gameRules.innerHTML = getSpinWheelGameRules(SpinWidgetLanguage); widgetInfoDiv.append(gameStatusTxt, spinTheWheelBtn, gameRules); spinWheelWidgetContainer.append(wheelOfFortuneDiv, widgetInfoDiv); spinWheelBubbleElement.append(header, spinWheelWidgetContainer); document.body.appendChild(spinWheelBubbleElement); $splmn_jQuery("#spinwheel-bubble").addClass("bounceUp"); $splmn_jQuery("#spinwheel-btn-root").hide(); createSpinWheelSectors(settings); } function createSpinWheelCanvas(settings) { var spinWheelWidget = document.createElement("div"); let canvasSize = spinWheelInitConfig.canvasSize; // = `width: ${canvasSize}px; height: ${deviceType() === 1 ? "50%" : canvasSize + "px"}; position: relative;`; var spinWheelSelectorImg = ""; let top = canvasSize; let tempStyle = deviceType() !== 1 ? `style="top: ${top}px;right:-${50}%;"` : ""; spinWheelWidget.innerHTML = `
`; return spinWheelWidget; } function createSpinWheelSectors(settings) { // determine number/size of sectors that need to created let numOptions = settings.spinWheel.wheelData.length; let arcSize = (2 * Math.PI) / numOptions; // save to config spinWheelInitConfig.angle = arcSize; // dynamically generate sectors from state list let angle = 0; for (var x = 0; x < numOptions; x++) { let { text, color } = settings.spinWheel.wheelData[x]; renderSpinWheelSector(x + 1, text, angle, arcSize, color); angle += arcSize; } renderSpinWheelCircle(); renderSpinWheelCenterCircle(); } function renderSpinWheelCenterCircle() { let c = document.getElementById("spin-wheel-canvas"); let ctx = c.getContext("2d"); ctx.beginPath(); let arcX_Y = spinWheelInitConfig.canvasSize / 2; ctx.arc( arcX_Y, arcX_Y, percentToPx(deviceType() == 1 ? 8 : 2), 0, 2 * Math.PI ); ctx.lineWidth = deviceType() == 1 ? 40 : 20; ctx.fillStyle = "white"; ctx.shadowBlur = 5; ctx.shadowColor = "gray"; ctx.fill(); } function renderSpinWheelCircle() { let c = document.getElementById("spin-wheel-canvas"); let ctx = c.getContext("2d"); ctx.beginPath(); let arcX_Y = spinWheelInitConfig.canvasSize / 2; ctx.arc(arcX_Y, arcX_Y, spinWheelInitConfig.radius * 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI); ctx.lineWidth = 5; ctx.strokeStyle = "white"; ctx.shadowBlur = 5; ctx.shadowColor = "#A9A9A9"; ctx.strokeStyle = "white"; ctx.stroke(); } function renderSpinWheelSector(index, text, start, arc, color) { // create canvas arc for each list element let canvas = document.getElementById("spin-wheel-canvas"); let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); let x = (y = canvas.width / 2); let radius = spinWheelInitConfig.radius; let startAngle = start; let endAngle = start + arc; let angle = index * arc; let baseSize = radius * (deviceType() == 1 ? 2.05 : 2.1); let textRadius = baseSize - radius; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, false); ctx.lineWidth = radius * 2; ctx.strokeStyle = color; ctx.fillStyle = parseInt(spinWheelInitConfig.wheelId) === 9 || index % 2 === 0 ? "black" : "white"; ctx.shadowBlur = 1; ctx.shadowColor = parseInt(spinWheelInitConfig.wheelId) === 9 || index % 2 === 0 ? "black" : "white"; ctx.stroke();; ctx.translate( baseSize + Math.cos(angle - arc / 2) * textRadius, baseSize + Math.sin(angle - arc / 2) * textRadius ); ctx.rotate(angle - arc / 1.9); let alignPosition = 90; if (text.length <= 5) { ctx.font = `700 ${parseInt( spinWheelInitConfig.canvasSize * 0.042 )}px Arial `; ctx.fillText(text, -parseInt(spinWheelInitConfig.canvasSize * 0.05), 0); } else if (text.length > 20) { ctx.font = `700 ${parseInt( spinWheelInitConfig.canvasSize * 0.025 )}px Arial `; ctx.fillText(text, -parseInt(spinWheelInitConfig.canvasSize * 0.16), 0); } else if (text.length > 15) { ctx.font = `700 ${parseInt( spinWheelInitConfig.canvasSize * 0.032 )}px Arial `; ctx.fillText(text, -parseInt(spinWheelInitConfig.canvasSize * 0.16), 0); } else if (text.length > 10) { ctx.font = `700 ${parseInt( spinWheelInitConfig.canvasSize * 0.038 )}px Arial `; ctx.fillText(text, -parseInt(spinWheelInitConfig.canvasSize * 0.15), 0); } else if (text.length > 5) { ctx.font = `700 ${parseInt( spinWheelInitConfig.canvasSize * 0.04 )}px Arial `; ctx.fillText(text, -parseInt(spinWheelInitConfig.canvasSize * 0.1), 0); } ctx.textAlign = "center"; ctx.restore(); } function onSpinWheelBtnClick(SpinWidgetLanguage, spinTheWheelBtn) { spinTheWheelBtn.disabled = true; $splmn_jQuery(this).attr("disabled", true); localStorage.setItem("spin_the_wheel", true); const shop_id = getShopId(); $splmn_jQuery.ajax({ url: SERVER_BASE_URL_ANALYTICS + "/wheelspin", type: "POST", data: { url: shop_id, }, }); // set random spin degree and ease out time // set state variables to initiate animation let randomSpin = Math.floor(Math.random() * 900) + 500 + spinWheelInitConfig.rotate; spinWheelInitConfig["rotate"] = randomSpin; spinWheelInitConfig["easeOut"] = 2; spinWheelInitConfig["spinning"] = true; $splmn_jQuery("#spin-wheel-canvas").css({ transform: `rotate(${randomSpin}deg)`, transition: `-webkit-transform ${2}s ease-out 0s`, }); // calcalute result after wheel stops spinning setTimeout(() => { getSpinWheelResult(randomSpin, SpinWidgetLanguage); }, 2000); } function getSpinWheelResult(spin, SpinWidgetLanguage) { const { list } = spinWheelInitConfig; let num = list.length; let toPassOne = 360 / list.length; let actualPass = 0; let isMobile = deviceType(); // add 90 degree if mobile let degreeToAdd = isMobile === 1 ? 90 : 0; if (spin > 360) { actualPass = (spin + degreeToAdd) % 360; } else { actualPass = spin + degreeToAdd; } let temp = actualPass / toPassOne; let ans = Math.floor(num + 1 - temp); let result = ans - 1; // set state variable to display result spinWheelInitConfig["result"] = result; handleSpinWheelResult( list[result].code.length > 0 ? "WIN" : "LOOSE", SpinWidgetLanguage ); } function renderNumberInputForm(SpinWidgetLanguage) { let winResult = spinWheelInitConfig.list[spinWheelInitConfig.result]; $splmn_jQuery("#spin-wheel-info").html(`

${getYayYouWillGet(SpinWidgetLanguage)} ${ winResult.text }

${getWeAllSendTheDiscountCode( SpinWidgetLanguage )}

`); var inputBox = document.createElement("div"); inputBox.className = "wa-optin-widget-input-box"; //flag imoji var countryLogo = document.createElement("span"); countryLogo.className = "wa-optin-widget-country-flag"; = "wa-splmn-country-flag-logo"; var countryCodeInput; if (!codes) { countryCodeInput = document.createElement("input"); countryCodeInput.className = "wa-optin-widget-input input-country-code"; countryCodeInput.placeholder = "+XXX"; = "spin-wheel-optin-country-code"; countryCodeInput.autocomplete = "off"; } else { var countryCodeInput = document.createElement("input"); countryCodeInput.className = "wa-optin-widget-input input-country-code-select"; countryCodeInput.placeholder = "+XXX"; = "wa-optin-country-code"; countryCodeInput.autocomplete = "off"; countryCodeInput.setAttribute("list", "countryCodeList"); inputBox.appendChild(countryCodeInput); var countryCodeDataList = document.createElement("datalist"); = "countryCodeList"; var currentLocation = currentCountryCode; //Create and append the options for (var i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) { var option = document.createElement("option"); option.text = codes[i].label; // option.text = codes[i].label; //`(${codes[i].code}) +${codes[i].value}`; countryCodeDataList.appendChild(option); } countryCodeInput.value = currentLocation.label.split(" ")[0] + " " + currentLocation.label.split(" ")[2]; countryCodeInput.appendChild(countryCodeDataList); } countryCodeInput.addEventListener("click", (action) => { action.preventDefault(); countryCodeInput.value = ""; }); countryCodeInput.onchange = function () { let selectedValue = countryCodeInput.value; console.log("Selected value", selectedValue); countryCodeInput.value = selectedValue.split(" ")[0] + " " + selectedValue.split(" ")[2]; }; var numberInput = document.createElement("input"); numberInput.className = "wa-optin-widget-input"; numberInput.placeholder = "XXXXXXXXX"; = "spin-wheel-optin-number-input"; numberInput.autocomplete = "off"; numberInput.type = "tel"; let spinWheelformSubmit = document.createElement("button"); = "spin-wheel-confirm-btn"; spinWheelformSubmit.innerHTML = getSpinGetTheDiscountCode(SpinWidgetLanguage); numberInput.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => { var confirmBtn = document.getElementById("spin-wheel-confirm-btn"); if ( >= 1) { if (confirmBtn) { confirmBtn.classList.add("wa-optin-widget-confirm-btn-active"); } } else if (! { if (confirmBtn) { confirmBtn.classList.remove("wa-optin-widget-confirm-btn-active"); } } }); inputBox.appendChild(countryLogo); inputBox.appendChild(countryCodeInput); inputBox.appendChild(numberInput); spinWheelformSubmit.onclick = function () { // call api here spinWheelformSubmit.disabled = true; var phone = $splmn_jQuery("#spin-wheel-optin-number-input").val(); var countryCode = $splmn_jQuery("#wa-optin-country-code") .val() .split(" ")[1] .substring(1); let winResult = spinWheelInitConfig.list[spinWheelInitConfig.result]; if (phone && countryCode) { $splmn_jQuery.ajax({ url: SERVER_BASE_URL_MESSAGING + "/api/v1/account/user/subscribe/spinWheel", type: "POST", dataType: "json", contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", data: { url: getShopId(), number: phone, countryCode: countryCode, couponCode: winResult.code, }, success: function () { localStorage.setItem("opted_in_phone_v2", phone); localStorage.setItem("opted_in_country_code_v2", countryCode); handleSpinWheelResult("WIN_SUBMIT_FORM", SpinWidgetLanguage); }, error: function (e) { if (e && e.status === 202) { // handle localStorage.setItem("opted_in_phone_v2", phone); localStorage.setItem("opted_in_country_code_v2", countryCode); } else { if (e.responseText) { let error = JSON.parse(e.responseText); alert(error.message); } } }, }); } }; $splmn_jQuery("#spin-wheel-info").append(inputBox); $splmn_jQuery("#spin-wheel-info").append(spinWheelformSubmit); var gameRules = document.createElement("div"); gameRules.classList = "spin-wheel-game-rules"; gameRules.innerHTML = getSpinWheelGameRules(SpinWidgetLanguage); $splmn_jQuery("#spin-wheel-info").append(gameRules); } function handleSpinWheelResult(status, SpinWidgetLanguage) { switch (status) { // show mobile number input case "WIN": renderNumberInputForm(SpinWidgetLanguage); break; // show loose message case "LOOSE": $splmn_jQuery("#spin-wheel-info").html(`

${getSpinYouAlmostWin( SpinWidgetLanguage )}

${getSpinBetterLuckNextTime( SpinWidgetLanguage )} `); var closeBtn = document.createElement("button"); closeBtn.innerHTML = getSpinBtnClose(SpinWidgetLanguage); closeBtn.onclick = function () { // new bouncedown greeting widget animation $splmn_jQuery("#spinwheel-bubble").removeClass("bounceUp"); $splmn_jQuery("#spinwheel-bubble").addClass("bounceDown"); $splmn_jQuery("#spinwheel-btn-root").show(); }; $splmn_jQuery("#spin-wheel-info").append(closeBtn); break; // show coupon code case "WIN_SUBMIT_FORM": let winResult = spinWheelInitConfig.list[spinWheelInitConfig.result]; $splmn_jQuery("#spin-wheel-info").html(`

${getSpinYouWin( SpinWidgetLanguage )}

${ winResult.text }
${getSpinYourCouponCodeIs(SpinWidgetLanguage)} ${ winResult.code } `); var copyCouponCodeBtn = document.createElement("button"); copyCouponCodeBtn.innerHTML = getSpinCopyCouponCode(SpinWidgetLanguage); copyCouponCodeBtn.onclick = function () { navigator.clipboard.writeText(winResult.code); alert("Coupon code copied."); }; $splmn_jQuery("#spin-wheel-info").append(copyCouponCodeBtn); $splmn_jQuery("#spin-wheel-info").append( `

${getSpinWeHaveAlsoSentTheCouponCodeOnYourNumber( SpinWidgetLanguage )}

` ); break; } } function resetSpinWheelConfig() { spinWheelInitConfig["rotate"] = 0; spinWheelInitConfig["easeOut"] = 0; spinWheelInitConfig["result"] = null; spinWheelInitConfig["spinning"] = false; } function percentToPx(percentage) { return (percentage / 100) * screen.width; } function pxToPercent(size) { return (size / screen.width) * 100; } var spinWheelInitConfig = { canvasSize: deviceType() == 1 ? percentToPx(100) : percentToPx(38.62), // PIXELS list: [], // coupon list // radius: deviceType() == 1 ? percentToPx(25) - 3 : percentToPx(5.54), // PIXELS radius: deviceType() == 1 ? percentToPx(25) - 3 : percentToPx(9.15), // PIXELS rotate: 0, // DEGREES easeOut: 0, // SECONDS angle: 0, // RADIANS result: null, // INDEX spinning: false, }; var shop_id = getShopId(); var current_device_type = deviceType(); function checkBlockingScriptPresent() { setTimeout(() => { if ($splmn_jQuery("#pushdaddy-widget")[0]) { logWithBadge("Conflicting widget found. Error Code : 3", true); } }, 4000); } checkBlockingScriptPresent(); this.flag = "splm_init_" + shop_id; if (!window[flag]) { window[flag] = true; fetchStoreSettings(shop_id, function (settings) { var _originalSize = $splmn_jQuery(window).width() + $splmn_jQuery(window).height(); if (settings.optin.templateId == 1) { createOptinWidget(settings, _originalSize); } else { createOldOptinWidget(settings, _originalSize); } createWhatsappBtn(settings); loadCalloutCard(settings, current_device_type); createWhatsappShareBtn(settings); let haveSpunTheWheel = localStorage.getItem("spin_the_wheel") ? localStorage.getItem("spin_the_wheel") : "false"; if (haveSpunTheWheel === "false") { createSpinTheWheelBtn(settings); } }); } } (function () { // if (!window.splm_extension_flag) { logWithBadge("Extension : Starting Execution"); initJQuery(function () { // initCss(function () { btnLoad(); // }); }); // } })();